Section: New Results

Supercomputing for Helmholtz problems

Numerical libraries for hybrid meshes in a discontinuous Galerkin context

Participants : Hélène Barucq, Lionel Boillot, Aurélien Citrain, Julien Diaz.

Elasticus team code has been designed for triangles and tetrahedra mesh cell types. The first part of this work was dedicated to add quadrangle libraries and then to extend them to hybrid triangles-quadrangles (so in 2D). This implied to work on polynomials to form functions basis for the (discontinuous) finite element method, to finally be able to construct reference matrices (mass, stiffness, ...).

A complementary work has been done on mesh generation. The goal was to encircle an unstructured triangle mesh, obtained by third-party softwares, with a quadrangle mesh layer. At first, we built scripts to generate structured triangle meshes, quadrangle meshes and hybrid meshes (triangles surrounded by quadrangles). We are now able to couple unstructured triangle mesh with structured quadrangle mesh, and we are now working on the implementation of the coupling between Discontinuous Galerkin methods (for the triangles) and Spectral Element methods (for the quadrangles).

Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin methods for solving the elastic Helmholtz equations

Participants : Marie Bonnasse-Gahot, Julien Diaz.

The advantage of performing seismic imaging in frequency domain is that it is not necessary to store the solution at each time step of the forward simulation. Unfortunately, the drawback of the Helmholtz equations, when considering 3D realistic elastic cases, lies in solving large linear systems. This represents today a challenging task even with the use of High Performance Computing (HPC). To reduce the size of the global linear system, we developed a Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin method (HDGm). It consists in expressing the unknowns of the initial problem in function of the trace of the numerical solution on each face of the mesh cells. In this way the size of the matrix to be inverted only depends on the number of degrees of freedom on each face and on the number of the faces of the mesh, instead of the number of degrees of freedom on each cell and on the number of the cells of the mesh as we have for the classical Discontinuous Galerkin methods (DGm). The solution to the initial problem is then recovered thanks to independent elementwise calculation. These results have been published in [18]. This is a collaboration with Henri Calandra (Total) and Stéphane Lanteri (Inria Project Team Nachos)

Scalability of linear solvers for Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin methods

Participants : Marie Bonnasse-Gahot, Julien Diaz.

We coupled our HDG code with tested two linear solvers: a parallel sparse direct solver MUMPS (MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver) and a hybrid solver MaPHyS (Massively Parallel Hybrid Solver) which combines direct and iterative methods. In the framework of the european project HPC4E, we analyzed the scalability of the two solvers on the plateform Plafrim We compared the performances of the two solvers when solving 3D elastic waves propagation over HDGm. These comparisons were presented at the 2017 EAGE Workshop on High Performance Computing for Upstream and at MATHIAS 2017 conferences. This is a collaboration with Henri Calandra (Total), Luc Giraud, Mathieu Kuhn (Inria Project-Team Hiepacs) and Stéphane Lanteri (Inria Project Team Nachos).